Taka Tsubota is a Los Angeles-based film director, producer, writer and editor, as well as a Japanese language and cultural consultant. Raised in Niigata, Japan, Taka moved to the United States during high school and earned a B.A. in Cinema and Media Studies from the USC School of Cinematic Arts in 2018. As a freelance filmmaker, he has directed projects including Canary (2023 — LA Shorts premiere), Hunger for Blood (2023), and Stolen (2020).
As a staff writer, Taka has held a position at Walt Disney Imagineering, contributing to various theme park expansion projects for Tokyo Disney Resort, and has worked with Amazon Prime on two unannounced TV series set in Japan. Taka's diverse skill set also encompasses VR design, having worked for a Tokyo-based CGI company, and social media video creation for Sony Pictures' film, Knights of the Zodiac (2023).
Founder of Hi-Lo Avenue Studio.
坪田孝明・・・米ロサンゼルスを拠点とする映像監督・プロデューサー・脚本家・編集者、また日本語および日本文化コンサルタント。十代でアメリカに移住後、フリーの映像作家として「カナリアの森」(ロサンゼルス国際短編映画祭)「Hunger for Blood」「追憶と消失」を監督。
脚本家としては米Walt Disney Imagineeringに所属、東京ディズニーリゾートのテーマパーク拡張プロジェクトに携わり、日本語ライターとして日本を舞台としたAmazon Internationalシリーズ2作品(未発表)に参加。編集者としてはハリウッド映画「聖闘士星矢 The Beginning」北米向け宣伝動画やアニメ「聖闘士星矢:Knights of the Zodiac バトル・サンクチュアリ」予告映像を担当。
新潟市生まれ。南カリフォルニア大学映像学部卒。Hi-Lo Avenue Studio代表。
Canary (2023) - Director | Producer | Editor
Hunger for Blood (2023) - Director | Camera | Editor
Better Days (2023) - Director | Camera | Editor
Goldfish feat. Raine (2023) - Director | Camera | Editor
Brother's Keeper (2023) - Director | Editor
Stolen (2020) - Director | Producer | Writer | Editor
Mamba City (2020) - Director | Camera | Editor
Contact: taka@hiloave.com